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What's in the Roaster's Choice Box - January 2020

This month, subscribers are drinking a unique coffee from Chelbesa, Ethiopia in their first Roaster's Choice Box of the year.

Bursting with candied fruity flavours, this coffee was grown in the Chelbesa growing area of Ethiopia by smallholders in Banko, Gotiti, Chelchele and Halo.  

Coffee is Ethiopia’s main export, but until only recently the majority of coffee you could drink from the country has been identified simply as as ‘heirloom’. The term refers to coffee that is grown wild and includes an extreme diversity of coffee species.

The coffee in our Roaster's Choice Box, January 2020, is part of a new wave of coffee farming in Ethiopia where the species of coffee are identified before the crops are picked. For the farmers, being about to identify the coffee plants on their land means that they can treat their crops better and increase their yield.  For coffee drinkers, these beans give a unique insight into the flavours of Ethiopian coffee.

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