The cafetiere is the most popular home-brewing method. But it's never produced the tastiest coffee... until now.
Ed Yarnton has been making a cafetiere brew every day for three months to bring you the best cafetiere recipe on the internet.
This recipe will give a cup that is less muddy than you typically come to expect from this method, and with a little more sweetness and clarity.
Set Up
Before you even start, choose your cafetiere. Most large home cafetieres are 1L and the small, single serve ones are around 350ml.
Make sure it's clean! So many home cafetieres aren't cleaned well and loads of old coffee grounds get caught in the filter, so give it a good clean before starting this recipe.
- Weigh out your ground coffee into your cafetiere - 4 rounded tablespoons (19g) if you're using a small 350ml cafetiere and 12 tablespoons (57g) if you're using a big 1L one.
- Boil the kettle and give it a minute or two to cool slightly, then pour into the cafetiere up to the top, leaving enough room for the lid. Start your timer for four minutes.
- Give the brew a gentle stir, ensuring you reach the bottom and unclump anything stuck there. Pop the lid on and leave to brew.
- After four minutes start to plunge the filter - press gently and don't press so hard that at the bottom you 'squeeze' the grounds.
- Drink up!
Looking for a gift for the coffee lover in your life? Try our Cafetiere and Coffee Gift Box.
Recipe from Ed Yarnton